Chambre Boisée - Le Hameau d'Eguisheim - Domaine Ginglinger


Bed & Breakfast in a nice house, fully renovated, in the heart of the village on the winery.

Room for 2 or 4 people. Nice space for living-room when rented for 2 persons. Private bathroom and television.
Large terrace in common with garden furniture.

Marketing method

  • From the owner

Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche


Surface area (sq.m.)

Surface area (sq.m.)27

Style of accommodation

Traditional half-timbered Alsatian house

Languages spoken

French German English

Practical services

  • Sheets included in the rental price
  • Household linen included in the rental price
  • Beds made on arrival
  • End of stay cleaning included

Facilities for children

  • Baby bath
  • Highchair
  • Baby's bottle warmer
  • Colouring books and littlel games
  • Cot
  • Possibility to heat up baby bottles or baby food
  • Child's toilet seat
  • Baby changing table/mat
  • Baby bouncer chair

Type of entrance to accommodation

Private entrance

Entrance to the accommodation

1st floor without lift

Number of beds room 1

No. of double beds1
No. of double convertible beds0

Accommodation capacity (according to classificat.)

number of people2
Number of rooms1
en nombre de lits 2 personnes1
en nombre de convertibles 2 pers1

Bathroom facilities

  • Number of restrooms (private) with shower 1

Main method of heating

  • Central heating, gas

External facilities of the accommodation

  • Shared garden furniture
  • Shared patio

Comfort bedrooms

  • Hairdrier
  • Television

Comfort accommodation

  • Coffee machine
  • Iron
  • Shared washing machine
  • Communal clothes dryer
  • TV in every room
  • Hairdrier

Methods of payment

  • Credit card
  • Cheque
  • Holiday vouchers
  • Cash

Bed and breakfast rates in €

  • Min. night 2 pers with breakfast 135
  • Max. night 2 pers with breakfast 165
  • Min. Animals rate 10
  • Max. Animals rate 10